I am writing from an English pub in Austin, where I am watching the US vs. Algeria world cup match and typing during the commercials, apologies for any discontinuity in the text.
The trip down here was completely love-Gah!! They missed!! Bounced off the post...sigh
Anyhow, the drive was long but good; I listened to a lot of Catholic talks on cd and am in the process of completely wearing out my rosary tape with Fr. Scanlon and Dana. It was really good to have the time to process and visit with people, including a neighbor who I needed to catch up with, a friend from the Landscape Architecture program at WSU (back when I thought I knew where my life was going), my brother's Godfamily (Lovely people, it was great to spend some time getting to know them as individuals) and my darling Thea- roommate from my time in Knoxville.
I love roadtrips. I love looking at all of the scenery especially and musing about how landscape informs livelihoods and lifestyles and through that the creation of culture. As our cultures merge and change with the speed and breadth of our communication, who are they still informed by landscape? This is probably my LA background speaking but I do find it so interesting...
So here's a few pics from the road for your enjoyment:
Here's the spot in Oregon where I pulled off the road to eat a snack...lots of cattle in this area.
A horse trailer at a truck stop in Wyoming...this baby was completely covered in mirrors and gold paint...nice.
Air Force base in Colorado Springs. Note the rugby on the sign!
Garden of the Gods in the Springs
Garden of the Gods take 2
This squirrel kept coyly coming up to our picnic on base and looking for treats, then sneaking off to the tree to hide until we left. So cute! (and annoying ;)
This might be my favorite: a painting in the convent of a Salesian sister and our own mother Mary (FMA=Daughers of Mary Help of Christians in Italian)
So there's the cliff-notes of my little trip so far. Looking forward to seeing all you lovelies again before I go and if I don't get the chance in the week I'll be back, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am going to try to set up email and written correspondence with you all while I am down there too, so send me a facebook message or email with your email if you would like me to send you updates and such!
Much love,
ps GAH!!! This game is killing me!!!
YES!!!! GOAL!!!!! GO USA!!!!!!!!!