Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Still Alive

...not that I was worried or anything, it just seems like a better title than, "hey, here's day 3."

So getting through customs turned out to be a breeze. I wrote that my destination country was Belize on the form and told them that I would be here for 90 days. God took care of the rest. I knew He would, He's so great. I said my rosary a few times throughout the flights and just felt totally confident in Him. That is the beautiful thing about all of this: I am living day to day and just enjoying the time with Him.

A note about LAX. Avoid it.

After the Sisters picked me up from the airport we ran a few errands in San Salvador, picked up a girl who had been in the hospital in Chalchuapa for a few days and went back to Casa Hogar, my new home here in El Salvador. The sister's pickup was a bit persnickety so I told them about my custom of naming and encouraging vehicles in the US. I think their pickup is Frank now.

On the way back to Casa Hogar, we got pupusas. We pulled onto this side road where there were 6 or 7 pupuserias lined up along the side with waving and smiling hostesses at their little stoves in front of each. I thought of you Blanca when I ate my pupusas :) Pupusas are tortillas filled (hot pocket style) with beans, cheese and herbs of some kind, but the tortillas here are very thick, closer to a pita than what we have in the US. Also, the beans here are like a paste. I asked and it is just the culinary style. Oh another note about food: here, in the land of coffee, the sisters drink...nescafe. :D I brought my coffee grinder on a whim so there is hope that at some point I could get a hold of some beans...

The house is gorgeous. And Huge. I get my own room in the tower (very exciting!) and share a bathroom with one other girl. Here are some pictures...

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